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Guadeloupe is a two 'lobes' island, making it looking like a butterfly : the eastern lobe, 'Grande Terre', made of coral, nicknamed "Little Britany" and the western lobe, 'Basse Terre', volcanic, much more green and high, dominated by the 'Soufrière' volcano.

The tropical sea-side climate is humid and hot, softened by the trade winds.
There are two seasons in Guadeloupe called 'Lent' and 'Wintering'

  • dry season, 'Lent', from January to June
  • wet season ,'Wintering', from July to December.

Coconut tree
'Anse Barque' bay
The climate offers a regular temperature of 85°F on average (65 to 68°F in the morning and 85 to 90°F during the day). The sea temperature is 83°F on average.

There is no time difference with New York or Toronto. With Europe, the difference is :
  • 5 hours in summer
  • 4 hours in winter
The currency is euro (€)


La Nantillaise is located in front of Bouillante's bay, on 'Basse Terre' island, the western part of Guadeloupe.

Guadeloupe is a French Overseas County, located in the Antillas, bordered by the Caribbean sea on its western side and by the Atlantic ocean on its eastern side.
Bouillante is known as the capital of ecotourism in Guadeloupe. Founded in 1645, it is also one of the oldest city of the island.
The spots of "Malendure" and "Pigeon" are part of it.
Its name ('Boilling' in english) comes from its several hot springs which testify to the volcanic activity of the island. Moreover, a geothermal plant was installed there in 1969, the only one in the Caribbean.
Around the 'Pigeon' islets, abundance and quality of the aquatic fauna and flora make the underwater of this spot a well known place to discover the aquatic world.
Of course, the site is protected. It's the 'Cousteau Reserve'.